About the Bryon Cameron Scholarship
The Bryon Cameron scholarship Impact grant is a full-tuition, four-year undergraduate grant that focuses on making a positive impact and it is given each year to 10–15 outstanding high school students who have excelled in leadership, community service, extracurricular activities, and academics. The Cameron Impact Scholar stands out from their classmates in that they want to make a real difference in their communities and the rest of the globe. Our Scholars intends to customize their education to that aim because they want to become a good forces for change. The Bryon Cameron Scholarship fully pays the recipient’s tuition, fees, and books at any accredited college or institution with a U.S. campus.
All applicants who meet the GPA and citizenship requirements are eligible for the Cameron Impact Scholarship because it is a merit-based initiative, regardless of their color, socioeconomic situation, religion, sexual orientation, or any other background characteristics. Young leaders that have exhibited a passion for and dedication to making any type of positive effect are what we’re looking for.
Applications for the class of 2024 are now closed. ON FEBRUARY FIRST, 2024, WE WILL OPEN FOR 2025.
Bryon Cameron Scholarship Inclusion and Equity
The Bryan Cameron scholarship Education Foundation is adamant that all types of people are needed to make a difference. The spirit of significant transformation is fueled by each person’s unique identity and upbringing. We, the Bryan Cameron scholarship Education Foundation community, can work together to advance society and encourage others to do the same via equity and inclusiveness.
Selection Process and Eligibility for Bryon Cameron Scholarship
In many professional occupations, there are endless opportunities to have a beneficial impact. The Bryon Cameron Scholar is committed to serving society throughout their lifetime and has the capacity and the desire to do so. A quarter of the scholarships, or around 25%, will be given by the Foundation to people pursuing careers in education, charity work, government service, or the military and who have public service as their stated professional aim.
The applicant must meet up the following requirement:
The following requirements must be met in order to be eligible for the Bryon Cameron Scholarship.
1. Keep their high school grades at a minimum cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.7/4.0 or an equal.
2. Be an American citizen in good standing.
3. Be a member of the class of 2024 who plans to participate in a full-time program of study leading to a degree at an approved four-year institution in the United States for the whole academic year after high school graduation and
4. Demonstrate a track record of excellence in extracurricular activities, serve as motivated team players with a solid work ethic, and engage in active civic engagement.
The following items must be send before the application deadline.
1. Online application
2. Two required letters of recommendation and
3. A transcript attesting to academic achievement.
The Initial Online Application may be submitted in one of two ways:
1. The Class of 2024’s early application deadline is May 19, 2023 at noon PT.
2. The Class of 2024 regular application deadline is September 8, 2023 at noon (PT).
Applications are accepted and evaluated continuously. Please be aware that the Foundation will only consider 3,000 Applications from the Class of 2024. If and when this limit is about to be reached, we will post a notice on the website and our social media accounts.
In the Fall of 2023, the Selection Committee will choose 75 to 100 in-person interviews from the final list and usually from applicant in the high school. In December 2023, the Cameron Impact Scholarship winners will be revealed.
For the four years that the Cameron Impact Scholarship is in effect, recipients are expected to attend an annual Cameron Impact Scholars Award Ceremony and Summit.
SEE ALOS: Khattar Law Announces Annual scholarship 2024 program and Edusave Scholarship Program 2023-2024: Apply Now for Application
It is highly recommended that applicants submit their applications long before the actual deadline. The Foundation disclaims all liability for any technical difficulties with an applicant’s submission that arise on the final due date.
When prompted, you can upload your recommendations and transcript straight into the application. Alternatively, you can email them to the Foundation directly at admin@bryoncameronef.org.
Please send only two letters of recommendation and equally note that incomplete application will not be considered or reviewed.