About Hagan Scholarship Application Program
A country wide need-based merit scholarship program called the Hagan Scholarship Application Program gives students the chance to finish college debt-free. Applicants must be enrolled in a district-run typical public high school. The receivers of free workshops, free Schwab brokerage accounts, and free study abroad programs gain a practical understanding of crucial life skills that are often not taught in the classroom. When participating in the Hagan Application Scholarship Program, recipients have the option to apply for a Hagan Graduate Scholarship, which is valid for up to four extra consecutive semesters.
Hagan Scholarship Application Program:
The Hagan Scholarship Application Program offers up to $7,500 per semester for up to 8 consecutive semesters, workshops for learning crucial life skills that aren’t usually covered in college courses, money for buying college necessities, the ability to manage an HSF Schwab Brokerage Account, money for studying and traveling abroad, and the chance to extend the Hagan Scholarship Application Program to earn a graduate or professional degree.
1. The total cost of attendance, which includes tuition, fees, room and board, books and supplies personal and transportation costs will be used by HSF to calculate the amount of each semester’s disbursement.
2. Every semester, the distribution amount will be changed to account for the loss or expiration of any other scholarships, grants, awards, waivers, or work-study programs offered by the institution as well as changes to the recipient’s EFC.
3. If the recipient meets the requirements for the award and completes the necessary workshop duties, the Hagan Scholarship Application Program award is renewable for up to seven more semesters in a row. After completing 130 credit hours or when the student graduates from college, whichever comes first, the Hagan Scholarship will no longer be funded. Consequently, until their Award Year Class graduates from college, beneficiaries will maintain control of their HSF Schwab Account and satisfy all other scholarship requirements. Recipients must apply for and be granted a Hagan Graduate Scholarship before they can receive funds after graduating or after accruing 130 credits.
4. Prior to enrolling in college, first-year awardees receive $1,000 to spend on necessities such as a computer, phone, clothes, bedding, and office supplies that are not covered by the Hagan Scholarship Application Program.
5. Recipients in the second year will create a Personal Schwab Brokerage Account. The Hagan Scholarship Application Program will receive an HSF Schwab Brokerage Account to handle until graduation when HSF opens the account and deposits $100 into it. Each grantee will manage $10,000 in HSF assets in year two, $15,000 in year three, and $20,000 in year four.
6. Recipients in their third year who have a 3.50 cumulative grade point average are qualified for an all-expense paid study and travel opportunity abroad worth up to $8,000. Alternatively, the money might be put toward a second semester of college study abroad.
7. Recipients who will graduate from college while enrolled in the Hagan Scholarship Program may apply for a Hagan Graduate Scholarship the semester before graduation. This scholarship is valid for up to four further consecutive semesters and provides up to $7,500 each semester for graduate or professional study. The first semester after receiving their undergraduate degree, recipients are required to enroll in college as full-time graduate or professional students.
8. Recipients are required to work 240 hours a year starting on January 1 and continuing until the start of the autumn semester of college. The receiver may undertake work at any point throughout this time at their discretion. Work that is considered to be employment must be regularly scheduled, supervised, and compensated.
9. There are no processing or application fees.
Regardless of the applicant’s ethnicity, creed, color, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or sex, recipients of scholarships will be chosen objectively and without discrimination.
HSF’s decisions are final and cannot be challenged. Terms & Conditions may change at any time without prior notice.
Hagan Scholarship Application Program
To access the Hagan Scholarship Application Program Application, applicants must first create a UN and PW
2. To create your UN and PW, click New User after selecting the Application Link.
3. There will be 1,000 brand-new Hagan Scholarship Application Program available for the 2024–2025 school year.
4. The deadline for submissions is December 1, 2023.
Important Information For the Hagan Scholarship Application Program
Brochure for the Hagan Scholarship Application Pr. a description of the scholarship, its requirements, requirements, and advantages.
2. Advice for Writing a Successful Application
3. Testimonials from Hagan Scholars
Conditions for Eligibility
1. You must be an American citizen.
2. Must enroll in a conventional, school-district-run public high school in the United States.
3. A 3.50 cumulative grade point average is required.
4. Must enroll in a four-year college or university in the first semester after graduating from high school.
5. Keep to a four-year or shorter college graduation schedule.
6. Must put in 240 hours of labor between January 1, 2024, and the start of the fall semester of college in 2024. Work can be done at the recipient’s option. Work must be consistently scheduled, completed for pay while being supervised.
7. The applicant’s adjusted gross household income cannot have exceeded $85,000 as reported for 2022 federal income tax purposes. The sum of all household income obtained by those residing under the same roof is referred to as “household income”.
8. In February 2024, finalists will be notified. Finalists are required to submit a copy of their FAFSA SAR that displays their EFC.
9. Must submit an application for any available federal and state funds.
10. Must not have a criminal record
How to get started to a Great Start in College!
1. College 101-Tips & Tricks. An easy-to-follow, three-page guide that will put you on the right track for college success.
2. Hotchkiss Study and Note-Taking Advice. A quick, two-page guide on how to get better at studying.
3. Success in College. A comprehensive reference manual on how to succeed in college.
Online Links to Important Information
Scholarship fraud
Exploring Careers
United States Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook
University Navigator
Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA,
Application Deadlines
1. Application available September 1, 2023;
2. deadline for applications December 1, 2023;
3. Applications reviewed for eligibility and
4. conformance to instructions; applicants notified of status;
5. finalists provide supplemental information; scholarships awarded; finalists notified of status; current phase in red.
SEE ALSO:Posse scholarship Program: How to apply and Courage To Grow Scholarship program 2023: How to apply
Undergraduate Award Recipients’ and Responsibilities
1. A description of the Hagan Undergraduate Scholarship
2. All submission deadlines must be met on the Scholar Portal’s home page.
3. Must put in 240 hours of work each year between January 1 and the start of the fall semester of college.
4. The first semester of college for first-year recipients must be spent on campus.
5. During their first semester in college, first-year honorees are required to join one campus group.
6. Responsibilities in the classroom:
must maintain a 3.00 semester grade point average.
after the first semester, must keep a 3.25 cumulative grade point average.
Must complete 14 GPA-compliant credits each fall semester.
Must complete 30 GPA-compliant credits each academic year, only in the fall and spring semesters.
Online GPA credit hours are limited to 6 credits per academic year.
7. Maintain a four-year or less graduation schedule.
8. Declare an academic major by the junior year of college.
9. Fulfill workshop obligations.
10. Fulfill Schwab account obligations.
11. Avoid taking on non-educational debt exceeding $20,000 without HSF’s prior approval and
12. Apply for available Federal, State, and Institutional grants. 13. Comply with HSF policies.
Graduate Awardees and Responsibility
1. A description of the Hagan Graduate Fellowship
2. All submission deadlines must be met on the Scholar Portal’s home page.
3. Must put in 240 hours of work each year between January 1 and the start of the fall semester of college.
4. Responsibilities in the classroom:
A 3.25 grade point average is required each semester.
After the first semester, must keep a 3.50 CGPA.
12 credits are required per semester.
Must obtain 24 credit hours per academic year, autumn and spring semesters only.*
Hours for online GPA credit must need previous HSF clearance.
5. Must adhere to HSF policies and refrain from acting in a way that would reflect poorly on HSF, its grantor, trustee, employees, volunteers, scholarship recipients, colleges or universities, or recipient.
Part Two: Semester Submittals, Disbursements, Transcripts
Fall Semester Submittal Deadline September 20: 1. Undergraduate students are required to present documentation of a graduation timeline that is four years or fewer.
2. Must present a confirmation from the school displaying the total cost of attendance
3. All free financial help obtained for the current semester must be itemized for the institution.
4. You must offer a copy of the school’s invoice for EVERY expense you made this semester.
5. Must offer an exact copy of the FAFSA Student Aid Report that displays the EFC.
6. Must provide a list of all courses taken as well as ANY and ALL awards, grants, and scholarships received.
7. Must present an employment report verifying 240 hours work*
8. The recipient’s financial statement is required.
9. All grantees, excluding first-year recipients, are required to submit an annual progress report.
10. Must submit a completed FERPA Agreement* * Form is available
By September 1, recipients will receive an email with a Sumbittal Link. Following September 20, prize amounts will be decided and given to the recipient’s college or university by November 1. Till then, proceed as if you were not receiving a Hagan Scholarship. Disbursements may be used to pay back student loan debt.
Spring Semester Submittal Deadline February 15:
1. Must provide school confirmation showing the Total Cost of Attendance*.
2. Must provide school itemization of ALL free financial aid received for the current semester.*.
3. Must provide a copy of the school billing for ALL costs incurred for the current semester.
4. Must provide a list of enrolled courses and ALL scholarships, awards and grants received.
5. First year recipients must provide confirmation of membership in a campus organization.
6. Must provide a complete copy of recipient’s Official Grade Transcript including fall semester information.
Form provided A Submittal Link will be emailed to recipients by January 20. After February 15 award amounts will be determined and disbursed by April 1 to the recipient’s college or university.
Deadline for Transcript Submission June 25:
1. Must send a complete copy of the recipient’s official grade transcript that includes information from the spring semester.
2. By May 15, recipients will get an email with a submission link.
3. Those who get new scholarships are not required to submit more transcripts from their time in high school.
Third Section: Email and Postal Instructions
Instructions for Email:
Prior to the recipient’s last name, underscore, first name, hyphen, and subject matter, the email subject line must provide the recipient’s HSF identification number.
9873 Smith John – Spring Transcript, for example,
A single chain of emails must contain ALL correspondence on a given subject. In order to respond appropriately, we won’t look back through previous communications. Emails should be sent to scholarships@hsfmo.org.
Mailing Instructions:
The recipient’s First and Last Name, Current Address, City, State, and Zip Code must all appear after the recipient’s HSF Identification Number in the return address. NEVER send mail that needs a signature.
Return Address Sample
9873 John Smith
Mr. Smith
Winding Road at 324
6392 Beaver Creek, Colorado
Write to:
Hagan Foundation for Scholarships
PO Box 1225
65205 Columbia, Missouri